Sometimes my old head will have a stray thought, not sure why
It will take me to places that I don’t need to go
And I don't even have to try, but will be there in a blink of an eye
And that’s a seed for a headache to grow
My old heart and head, well they fight all of the time
If I could just get them to agree
But they just don't dance to the same time
Are they crazy, or is it just me
Oh, the old head and heart can fight, they do a number on me
But, thank God, that’s when an angel will step in
And let my soul be the referee
And the best protection to keep one away from sin
My heart’s been broken many times, my head a time or two
Maybe if I’d fall in love, if they’d agree
But, right now, that isn’t what they seem to do
But I know one thing for sure, it would be a lot easier on me
If a heart could think and a brain could feel
But I guess it will never be that way
‘Cause that’s just not their deal
Sometimes and all the time, this is why I pray