He was a little old man, but a giant in his way
And God never made a rock harder than his head
He would always have to have his say
No matter what you said
He wore high heel boots, he was a cowboy from the old school
And if there was a hard way to do something, he’d find it
He thought that his word was the rule
When I was eighteen, I couldn’t teach him a thing and, I’d throw a fit
As I got older, I could then start to see just how smart he was
Even though, we would go round and round now and again
He was always right and I was wrong, just because
But usually, in the end, he would win
I didn’t like it then, but looking back now and the way that I see
I thank God he taught me that way
His tough teaching made me be me
In his old hard headed way
In his later years, he had store bought teeth he never wore
In his shirt pocket is where they could be found on any day
And he always said that he never did snore
But that he could do, I’m here to say
He was a little old man, in a big sort of way
He was my best friend, he was my Dad
His last words were, don't worry about me, the angels are here to take me away
He taught us well, that little old man, my Dad