I Met A Man Today
I met a man today, a three piece suit is what he wore
And this is what he told me
I知 a Lawyer, I defend all killers, if I need to, a whore
I知 their justice, with me they値l go free.
If they have money, I値l spin their lie to make it look true
I値l take their money, what happens to them, I don稚 care
This is what law school told me to do
I知 smart, and fools are everywhere.
The day I buried my father, the Undertaker was wearing that same suit
He had my Dad痴 bones, he took our money
They are all the same
Buzzards who are in a three piece suit.
I met a man today, said that he was a damn good lawyer by trade
I looked at him and this is what I said
God have mercy on your soul on Judgment Day, are you afraid?
舛ause we all know where you are when you are dead.