Government, now that’s a big word, I don't use them much
Most of the time, they’re just too damn hard to spell
To some, they sound right pretty, just don't say much
Sometimes a pretty word can just be a note from Hell
Them big words can get a feller in a heap of trouble now
Keep your words simple, so all can understand
Them big words go in the fine print, yes that’s how
With them big words that you don't understand
They’ll tie you in knots, them big old Government words they use
Hang you by the neck as you sign on the dotted line
Big words and Government, is just simple freedom abuse
Cowboys don't need big words to say what is fine
Words like, I love you, Mom, you all take care
But fancy words and Big Government would like to take that away
With this big Government, do we have a prayer
In simple words, all I can say is that we’d better pray