The BLM ~ Office of Mis-Management

Now if a cowboy has ranched on private land the most of his life, he don't know what Hell really is. No one can come into the ranch, unless they have been invited. The gates and cattle guards are locked - not to be unfriendly, but if people don't need to be there, that is what that lock is for. Kind of like what city people do to their homes when they go somewhere. You do not want the Federal Government or any government coming in without a welcome to look around. I think it is called freedom - one of the ones that we are supposed to have.

If a cowboy does happen to run on to a ranch that is BLM land, he had better watch out. BLM stands for Bureau of Land Management. run by the Federal Government. In other words, they are there to tell you how to be a cowboy. They have been to school, read all the books, got a degree in it. But they also have the gun, so to speak, so there’s not much that you can do.

Cowboys have always been free sprits, and they damn sure don't like barbed wire. They obey the law and respect it. Oh, maybe on a Saturday night they might get a little out of hand. But they don't like being told how to do something that they do best. That is taking care of horses and cattle. That is what most were born to do. They don't tell a banker how to run his bank, or a doctor how to doctor. Cowboys have enough trouble with Mother Nature, rattlesnakes, locoed horses to have to mess with the Federal Government.

Here is an example. See if this makes any kind of sense to you because it is true. We had an old ranch in southern New Mexico. It was sixty percent BLM land, thirty percent New Mexico State land. The other ten per cent of this God -forsaken country, we tried to own. We leased the other land we had inside our fences from the government.

I am not real good with facts and figures, but this will be close enough for a cowboy to understand. The BLM was first started in the 1930's I think, somewhere around there. In our part of the country, the BLM had just one office and that was in Las Cruces, New Mexico. There was one man who ran the office. He had two women who were his secretaries. They took care of all the ranch allotments for the southern part of the State. From the Arizona border to the Texas border on the East, to around Socorro, New Mexico north of Las Cruces. He would try to make his yearly rounds to each of the ranches, just to visit. He was not trying to push in government power on the rancher, just say howdy.

Over the years, the ranches have no doubt changed ownership from time to time. But as far as I know, God only made so many acres of that old land when he was building land. As far as I know, God has not taken any of that land away from Mother Earth. For the most part, just about everything has stayed the same, as far as the ranches go.

Everything but the BLM. It has grown to a size that one would not believe. They have more people than the ranches have cattle. They don't know how to run a ranch, but they will still tell you how. Their prices that you have to pay for the use of the land cannot be met for what you get. They watch your every move, even though they don't know what you are doing.

Since no more land has been created by God, why have more people that don't know what they are doing take care of it?. Why hire people that you don't need to do a job? Isn't that called overgrazing?

BLM ranches are based on allotments, meaning the number of cattle that you can run. In New Mexico the allotment number is also the basis for what a ranch can be sold for. Our ranch allotment was 320 head, which we were never able to run. With all the dry years we had, we were lucky to ever get by with 200 head.

When my Dad died in 1980, Mom and I decided to sell the ranch. We had a good buyer. But I guess the old Devil got wind of this, ‘cause we got a letter from BLM. It stated clearly that within a matter of months, our allotment would be cut. It would not be cut, Hell it was to be gutted. We would have only been able to run around a hundred head, with no reduction in what our lease amount was.

After my Dad's death, my nerves were not good. I never did have any use for the BLM, and this did not help that cause. I made a trip over to Las Cruces one afternoon for a visit. I got some Yankee - he did not know a bull from a cow. He did not know where our ranch was, but he knew all about it. He told me that old ranch had been overgrazed for many years, and the cut was needed. I tried to be nice. That was not easy. I explained to him that it had not been overgrazed.  It had not rained for fifty years. You see without rain, not too much will grow. Then he got out his book, this is what he told me. A cow unit needs eight pounds of grass just for a bare existence. I told him that old place never did have a blade of grass on it while I had been there. Our cattle ate weeds, yuccas, mesquite and whatever we gave them out of a bucket. Well, that was not in his book, so that could not be. I knew that I was not going to win this war with this halfwit. So I left and never went back. We sold the ranch, I rolled my bed and headed for Texas. This was over twenty years ago. I wonder how management is doing today. Thank God I don't have a BLM ranch. I may not have much, but not that,

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