The road less traveled can be a dangerous one
With twists and curves, never knowing what’s before you
And danger lurks when you’re under the gun
A path not many take, so why do you
A trail that’s filled with snakes, thunder, lighting everywhere
Filled with huge rocks and walls trying to stop you
And on this road, you don't think you have a prayer
But, one step at a time, that’s all you can do
And the road traveled by most is a pretty easy trip
Where you think that safety’s pretty much a guarantee
I guess it is, that is, if you don't slip
With all that traffic, how free can you really be
But the road less traveled is not a rat race
It’s living on the edge, and it can be lonely too
Walking a tight rope and looking the Devil in the face
So which road will you take, that’s up to you
An old cowboy will choose the trail with the fewest tracks
Sometimes it’s nice to ride by your lonesome for awhile
And quiet on the road less traveled, when you see fit
The road less traveled, that trail fits my style