He created all of this for you and me

And really, only he knows why

But it was for a good reason, I am sure

When we’re in his hands, we’re safe, you and me

God has never been one to tell a lie

And if we’re strong, he’ll see that we endure

Every prayer is heard, but maybe not the way you like it

He is the Judge, we have to go by his way

And his docket is never too full

He is a Judge who’ll never retire or quit

And in the end, he will have the final say

Not like Satan, my God is not full of bull

Satan has a lot of tricks, my God has more

They are not tricks, but they are the cure

So if you are in trouble, pray to him for God’s sake

Even Jesus changed the mind of a whore

Angels are there, when Satan sets his lure

Don't get caught in an evil trap, give my God a break

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